Ever wondered what it's like to dedicate your life to the wellbeing of our furry friends? In a heartfelt exchange, your host Julie Marty-Pearson sits down with Lori Kalef from SPCA International, who paints an evocative picture of her lifetime passion for animal welfare. From the tender age of 11, Lori began her journey in animal rescue, a path that eventually led her to a significant role at SPCA International. Her perspective sheds light on the immense global impact of organizations like SPCA, offering a stirring insight into the tireless efforts to safeguard animal welfare worldwide.

Lori unveils the extraordinary endeavors of SPCA International in reuniting service members with their cherished pets post-deployment through their Patriot Pets program. This poignant narrative highlights the profound healing effect these reunifications have, aiding not only in the transition back to civilian life but also serving as a lifeline to many grappling with thoughts of self-harm. The narrative takes a sharp turn as she recounts the daring acts of service members who, against military policy, choose to rescue animals during their service.

You'll also learn about the significance of grants, veterinary supplies, and funding for spay and neuter programs, and how these measures are crucial for maintaining public and animal health through the Shelter Support Fund Program. As we navigate the broader landscape of global animal welfare, we also discuss the changing attitudes towards these vital causes and how social media plays a pivotal role in spreading awareness. Listen to Lori's profound appreciation for those in service and the unforgettable stories of lives - both human and animal - profoundly changed by these acts of compassion.

Learn more about SPCA International on their Website- https://www.spcai.org/
Follow SPCAI on Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/spca_international/
and on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/spcai/

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