What happens when you combine a passion for cats, comedy, and creativity? You get Frame Your Feline, an innovative project by our guests, LA-based entrepreneurs, and stand-up comedians, Brian Vermeire and Kristina Hughes. As loving cat parents to seven rescues, they've designed a one-of-a-kind cat shelf featuring a genuine art frame that securely attaches to the wall. Once a cat jumps into the Feline Frame they become a work of living art! Not only are these Feline Frames aesthetically pleasing, but they also offer a safe space for cats to lay and play.

As I chat with Brian and Kristina, we uncover the inspiration behind Frame Your Feline and learn how their backgrounds in comedy and entrepreneurship influenced the creation of these interactive spaces. We also discuss the benefits of having seasonal art for cats, creating a gallery wall for multiple cats, and their mission to support the cat community. But that's not all - Brian and Kristina share their heartwarming stories of rescuing cats and their dedication to local animal rescues such as Pipers Helping Paws.

Join us for this inspiring and entertaining conversation with Brian and Kristina as we celebrate the incredible impact pets have on our lives, and explore how their creative venture, Frame Your Feline, is inspiring cat lovers to showcase their feline friends in a whole new light. Don't miss this purr-fect episode!

To learn more about Brian and Kristina, and Frame Your Feline, check out their YouTube channel @FrameYourFeline
Website https://frameyourfeline.com/
Follow them on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/frameyourfeline/
and on their YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvDU7stxz4_M54qZ6IiAVuA

To learn more about Pipers Helping Paws, follow them on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064803457917

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Connect with your host, Julie Marty-Pearson:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jmartypearson
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-r-marty-pearson-psyd
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Email: julie@thestoryofmypetpodcast.com
The Story of My Pet Podcast and Blog:
Website https://www.thestoryofmypetpodcast.com
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Fur Mom Tribe: Join free Networking Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/furmomtribefreenetworkinggroup/
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