Ever wondered what it's like to foster a litter of kittens? Journey with me, your host, Julie Marty Pearson, as I share a deeply personal tale about my own adorable fur family. You'll hear about my experience raising six two-week-old kittens and the challenges that came with their round-the-clock care. But first, I’ll account the journey that lead me to fostering this litter and how a tiny kitten named Binx is the reason why I ended up at the shelter on the right day to help these kittens in need.

Fostering kittens is an adventure, indeed! Have you ever tried to transition a kitten from bottle-feeding to solid food? I'll recount that roller-coaster ride, especially the struggles with little George, the runt of the litter, who showed no interest in wet food. But amidst the trials and tribulations, there were countless moments of joy, batches of formula, plates of food, and bags of litter, and finding my forever friend in Pumpkin the calico kitten.

On Pumpkin’s first birthday, we'll reflect on this incredible journey together. You'll learn about the importance of volunteering, donating, and fostering, or adopting animals in need. It's more than a tale of love and loss; it's a call to action. After all, what could be more rewarding than opening your heart and home to a pet in need? So, let's celebrate Pumpkin's birthday with a heartfelt message of love from me and my fur family to you and yours. Join me in this unforgettable journey of love, loss, and new beginnings!

Remember to share this podcast with your friends and family, follow or subscribe on your preferred platform, and leave a rating and review to help us reach more animal lovers like you. You can also find us on YouTube, where we'll be adding clips and short videos of our pet adventures. Together, let's make a difference for our furry friends and spread love, compassion, and awareness of the joy that pets bring to our lives.
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Connect with your host, Julie Marty-Pearson:
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Email: julie@thestoryofmypetpodcast.com
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