Ever thought about how a dog from a gas station in Romania or a Shepherd from Afghanistan can touch hearts and ignite a global movement for animal rescue? Today's episode sheds light on such awe-inspiring stories, underscoring the profound bond we share with our furry friends and how it fuels audacious rescue missions. Lori Kalef, from SPCA International, joins us in part two of her interview, to discuss Apollo's Aid program, an initiative that has been a beacon of hope for military members relocating with their pets, and animals in war-torn regions.

Navigating through heartwarming rescue tales, we explore the myriad challenges faced by these champions of animal welfare. Lori amplifies on the conundrum of finding forever homes for rescued pets and the distressing reality of euthanizing healthy, friendly animals due to overcrowding in shelters. As we unravel the horrifying extent of animal cruelty and abandonment in the US, Lori emphasizes the critical role of rescue & adoption in mitigating this crisis.

In this engaging dialogue, we delve into the potential of education and advocacy in solving these issues. Lori highlights the power of social media in animal rescue, but also acknowledges the emotional burden it places on those on the front lines. We talk about the importance of volunteering and understanding different cultures when advocating for animals. Listeners will gain insight into the challenges and complexity of animal rescue and how they can make a difference, even if they can't physically volunteer.

Our discussion with this inspiring advocate for animal welfare wraps up with the empowering reminder - everyone can make a difference. Whether it's through volunteering, fostering, sharing, or speaking out - every effort counts. So tune in as we uncover the complexities of animal rescue and welfare, and learn how you can join this noble cause.

Learn more about SPCA International on their Website- https://www.spcai.org/
Follow SPCAI on Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/spca_international/
and Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/spcai/

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Connect with your host, Julie Marty-Pearson:
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Email: julie@thestoryofmypetpodcast.com
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