Welcome to another episode of the Story of My Pet podcast! Today, I've been joined by Molly Kelsey from Auckland, New Zealand. Molly is an avid foster and former vet nurse who has worked with animals for over 10 years in companion animal practice and volunteering in both New Zealand and overseas. Last year, she completed her postgrad studies in feline behavior and now runs her own cat behavior consulting business. Molly lives with her partner and their rats, and in her free time, she enjoys listening to true crime podcasts, and doing embroidery. She has a lot of experience in the animal industry, and she'll be sharing her story with us today.

Molly’s work as the Cat Counsellor centers around teaching owners to understand their cats better and help them thrive in their environment. Molly started fostering animals when she was 17 and worked in the veterinary field for three years before taking a break due to illness. She decided to become a cat behaviorist after seeing a lot of cats suffer mentally and their owners not understanding why, as well as the lack of qualified people to help in this area.

You can contact Molly and follow her on social media via the links below.
Website: https://www.thecatcounsellor.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecatcounsellor
Instagram: https://instagram.com/thecatcounsellor/
Molly also discussed an animal rescue organization she supports, Raining Rabbits Rescue in Auckland, New Zealand.

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Connect with your host, Julie Marty-Pearson:
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Email: julie@thestoryofmypetpodcast.com
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