Episode 14: Memories of Chi the Adventure Cat and the New Life of Bonded Pair Jack and Sparrow

In episode 13, I welcome my guest, Michelle Steiner. Michelle is an animal lover living in Pennsylvania with her husband and their two cats Jack and Sparrow. She works as a teacher's aide in a public school, helping teenage students with disabilities. She is also a disability writer and advocate, with her own blog, Michelle’s Mission, which she uses to empower, encourage, and education people on Learning Disabilities (see link below). Michelle has written several articles published on The Mighty, a safe, supportive community for people facing health challenges and the people who care for them.

During our chat, Michelle talks about the rescue organization Butler County Humane Society Butler Pennsylvania, a no-kill animal shelter working to place animals in foster and permanent homes. You can learn more about this organization at the links below.

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Email: julie@thestoryofmypetpodcast.com
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