Have you thought about hiring a professional photographer to capture photos of you and your pets? Or do you want to learn how to take better photos of your pets? Well, we've got you covered! Listen as we explore the wonderful world of pet photography and how a good photo can make all the difference for a pet looking for a forever home.

Meet Val Woodward, a pet photographer and animal rescue volunteer who's passion for rescuing and caring for animals is simply awe-inspiring. Val shares her journey of rescuing four dogs and four cats, and the magic of pet photography as a tool to create safe, conversational spaces with her students as a school psychologist.

We discuss how technology and editing can make rescue dogs and shelter animals more appealing to potential adopters. We highlight the outstanding work being done by the Lucky Dog Rescue at the Ranch and delve into the heartwarming '60 Super Seniors' project that aims to bring the often overlooked senior dogs into the spotlight. We also discuss the incredible rescue Cat House on the Kings and how Val has worked with them photographing their adoptable cats and contributing to their annual calendar fundraiser. She also volunteers with Paw Squad 559, a rescue that helps stray and homeless cats and dogs in the central valley of California.

Lastly, we share some indispensable tips and tricks for taking amazing pet photos with simple equipment. Learn how to use light and shadows to capture the best pet photography. Val also emphasizes on the emotional aspect of pet photography and the importance of memorializing pets before they reach a challenging stage.

To learn more about Val and Fur Real Life Photography, visit her Website, https://www.furreallife.com/
For info on Lucky Dog Rescue at the Ranch, visit their Website, https://luckydogrescuetheranch-madera.yourwebsitespace.com/index.html
For info on the Cat House on the Kings, visit their Website, https://www.cathouseonthekings.com/
For info on Paw Squad 559, visit their Website, https://www.pawsquad559.com/

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Email: julie@thestoryofmypetpodcast.com
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