Emma Davis is the CEO and founder of Mikko's Choice, an animal rescuer and advocate, and an equestrian. She has a lifelong love of animals, and her first soul dog, a wolf hybrid named Mo and mustang Mikko have been the catalysts for her passion and advocacy.
Emma has had a lifelong love of animals, which was kickstarted by her first rescue, a wolf hybrid named Mo. After initially meeting a wild mustang at the ranch she worked on, she fell off another horse and broke her back and had to leave the ranch all together. After she healed, she found the same wild horse she had rescued prior to her injury, now on Craigslist after bouncing from home to home and was in bad physical and mental shape. Emma adopted him and named him Mikko. She worked with trainers and eventually took over his training herself, and after two years of hard work, Mikko got to the point where he could go on trail rides and help other troubled horses. Emma learned from Mikko that any animal can overcome its trauma and issues with love and patience. He also inspired her to start the cbd company Mikko’s Choice, which produces cbd products for horses and other animals.

Learn more about Emma and her company, Mikko’s Choice at the links below.


All Seated in a Barn- https://instagram.com/allseatedinabarn
Return to Freedom- https://instagram.com/returntofreedom
A Purposeful Rescue https://instgram.com/apurposefulrescue

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